Cleanings at Montshire Pediatric Dentistry

Dental Cleanings

One of the most common questions parents ask is “when should I bring my child to the dentist for the first time?” The answer: as soon as their first tooth erupts. Tooth decay can begin developing as soon as that first tooth breaks through the gum line. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends children see a dentist within six months of the first tooth being visible and no later than twelve months of age.

Building a strong, harmonious relationship between our dental team, parents, and patients is of the utmost importance to us. At your first visit to our office, we will spend as much time as needed for us to really get a picture of your child’s overall health. We will want to know about things like their diet or feeding schedule depending on their age, and their current home care routines. We will also take the time to hear about any concerns you may have relating to your child’s dental hygiene and development.

“For me, prevention and applied education is the true version of success. My goal is simple: no cavities and no dental disease. To achieve this I focus on a partnership and "team-up" with the parents and child to encourage healthy lifestyles that prevent the need for invasive dental procedures. Less is always best!”

Dr. Colin – Pediatric Dentist, Co-Founder

How often should my child have a cleaning?

A professional dental cleaning is typically recommended for children every six months if there are no outstanding risk factors. Some children are more prone to tooth decay or they may have certain clues indicating future orthodontic concerns, in those cases, we may suggest additional annual visits.

It's about more than just a cleaning.

We see preventative visits as an opportunity for us to help educate and guide parents. Your child’s rapidly changing life stages all have an impact on their oral health and development. For example, transitioning from bottle to sippy-cup or eliminating habits like thumb sucking can be particularly challenging. We are here to help you navigate through those stages and be a resource for our families.

The goal of preventative cleaning visits is about much more than checking for cavities. Long term, we want to help minimize the need for dental intervention through education and to lay the foundation for a positive, healthy view of the dental experience. Preventative cleaning visits help establish rapport and trust with our patients so that in case a dental emergency or need arises, there is already comfort level with our team and the dental chair is familiar and comfortable.

Preventative dental cleanings remove debris and plaque buildup, and a Fluoride treatment helps strengthen your child’s teeth and prevent future decay. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask at your child’s appointment.